On those days I wanna end it all
On those days I wanna end it all

On those days I wanna end it all

Singer / Songwriter

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On those days I wanna end it all

On those days I wanna end it all


发表时间 2023-08-17


On those days I wanna end it all
I’m at a cliff and I can’t hold on

‘cuz I’m not sure if we’re just wasting time
is our sand castles bound to fall down

but I’m scared for the unknown
I’m not ready to take on this world alone
and I’m scared if this is as good as it gets
are we all just snakes eating it’s own tail?

On those days I wanna end it all

On those days I wanna end it all
I’m at a cliff and I can’t hold on
(I can’t stop thinking of)
‘cuz I’m not sure if we’re just wasting time
is our sand castles bound to fall down
(I can’t stop dreading)

I’m scared for the unknown
I’m not ready to take on this world alone
and I’m scared if this is as good as it gets
are we all just snakes eating it’s own tail?
Am I just gonna do it all over again?

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