Little does one think 没想到
Little does one think 没想到

Little does one think 没想到


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Little does one think 没想到

Little does one think 没想到

wenhui.Luo 罗文辉
wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

发表时间 2024-09-20

歌词 动态歌词

小时候总想 When I was a child, I always thought
长大了有多好 How good it is to grow up
自已能够有个家 Being able to have a home for oneself
干啥都逍遥 Whatever you do, you can be carefree
小时候总想 When I was a child, I always thought
长大了有多好 How good it is to grow up
和大人一样去上班 Go to work like adults
下班把茶泡 Make tea after work
现在的房价比珠穆朗玛高 The current housing prices are higher than Everest
每天下班回家就剩三小时睡觉 I only have three hours left to sleep when I come home from work every day
他们一夜给的小费我十年也挣不到 I can't earn the tips they give women overnight for ten years
加的好友除了骗子就是要发广告 The added friends are either scammers or trying to advertise
那样一定要考编考公或者是考军校 That way, you must take the civil service exam or the military academy exam
考不了你有三头六臂也只能瞎胡闹 You can't take the exam. With three heads and six arms, you can only play around aimlessly
装疯卖傻拍个视频也能挣钞票 Pretending to be crazy and foolish can earn money by filming a video
打碎我最后的梦想是铁皮和口罩 Smash my last dream with iron sheets and masks
房贷车贷让我把工资算到每一毛 My mortgage and car loan require me to calculate my salary to every penny
我每天累得像狗我吃得还不如猫 I'm tired like a dog every day, and I eat worse than a cat
杀猪大哥拆迁他一夜成富豪 Brother Pig Slayer, Demolition, He Became a Rich Man Overnight
姑娘们现在没见面就问你要红包 The girls are asking for red envelopes from you before they meet
蓝博基尼上的娃儿年纪那幺小 The young people driving on the Lamborghini are so young
我想问他致富要多勤劳 I want to ask him how hardworking he needs to be to get rich
他说韭菜是韭菜 He said the powerful are the privileged
镰刀是镰刀 Civilians are civilians
平均财富发布了吓我一大跳 The release of the average income startled me a lot
我想问他我是不是最糟糕 I want to ask him if I'm the worst
他说韭菜都一样 He said all civilians are the same
平均要算镰刀 The average value should also include the wealthy and powerful
小时候总想 When I was a child, I always thought
长大了有多好 How good it is to grow up
现在想回到小时候 Now I want to go back to my childhood
那该有多好 How good would that be

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wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

This song hopes to be permanently preserved until the present reality becomes history

wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

My English is not good, and I know the lyrics are the most difficult to translate, but I still used translation software to compare every sentence back and forth, working all night because this is our real voice. I hope you can understand part of it