To First Love 致初恋
To First Love 致初恋

To First Love 致初恋


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To First Love 致初恋

To First Love 致初恋

wenhui.Luo 罗文辉
wenhui.Luo 罗文辉

发表时间 2024-09-22

歌词 动态歌词

离开你这么多年 Leaving you for so many years
从来没觉得很遥远 I never felt it was too long ago
不论我一个人孤独 No matter if I live alone
还是偶尔有个她在身边 Still occasionally having her by my side
和你一起的片段 A clip with you
都时常在脑海里出现 It often comes to mind
几十年都没间断 For decades without interruption
反复播放到今天 Repeatedly played until today
我要在我生命最后一刻让你来和我相见 I want you to meet me at the last moment of my life
那怕到那个时候你已经变得松弛而又干瘪 Even if by then you have become relaxed and withered
我也要握住你的手 I also want to hold your hand
最后闭上我的眼 Finally, close my eyes
让这个错误的世界全部替换成你的容颜 Replace this erroneous world with your own face
不知你是否还记得 I don't know if you still remember
第一次慌乱的少年 The young man who panicked for the first time
如今已是油腻大叔 Now he's a greasy uncle
也变得麻木和熟练 Also become numb and proficient
曾经有过的激情 The passion that once existed
也都成过眼云烟 They have all become fleeting clouds and smoke
只有你温柔的画面 Only your gentle image
一直清晰不衰减 Always clear without attenuation
我要在我生命最后一刻让你来和我相见 I want you to meet me at the last moment of my life
好让我在另一个世界能和你一起永远缠绵 So that I can be forever entwined with you in another world
今生离别的悲剧 The tragedy of parting in this life
永远不会再上演 It will never happen again
就让时光定格在我们当初相拥的一瞬间 Let time freeze in the moment we embraced each other back then
我要在我生命最后一刻让你来和我相见 I want you to meet me at the last moment of my life
那怕到那个时候你已经变得松弛而又干瘪 Even if by then you have become relaxed and withered
我也要握住你的手 I also want to hold your hand
最后闭上我的眼 Finally, close my eyes
让这个错误的世界全部替换成你的容颜容颜 Replace this erroneous world with your own face

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wenhui.Luo 罗文辉
